Tag Archives: Climate Change

Unplanned Weekends

A many of the times the best of best laid plans can go awry , and sometime most mundane of days or weekends can tend to becomes inspiring or for use of better words interesting, and that is how my weekend went.

As Friday was winding down, the weekend didn’t look that promising apart from clearing my library fines and then checking out the softly opened Damodar City.

But the highlight for the weekend was the “Moana the Rising of the Sea” a song and dance performance by the Pasifika Voices and Oceania Dance Group from The University of the South Pacific. It was a performance based on a poem by a Marshallese Kathy Jetnil Kijiner titled “Tell Them”, a poem on climate change and its effects.

The whole song and dance performance depicted the rising levels of sea how the Pacific way of life was in danger from these effects of climate change and how soon steps would be needed to taken to prevent the drowning of these islands.

The performance highlighted the plight of people and how the way of life in these island countries are being affected and if nothing is done to combat these issues the way of life of these islanders would be lost and cultures would become extinct and traditions and languages would disappear.

It was a heartfelt performance, with the perfect balance of music, dance, and stories and poetry.